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Tips for driving in the fog

Posted May 12, 2024 by Fanshawe Driving School

Foggy conditions seem to happen more when driving in the fall or spring seasons, but it really can happen at any time of year. Fog is more common around bodies of water and in low-lying areas. Although you can’t control what the weather does, there are several safety tips to keep in mind when driving in the fog to help you remain safe on the roads.

The best advice is to avoid driving in the fog, especially if it’s thick. However, that’s not always possible. If you get caught driving in foggy conditions, there are a few safe driving tips you should follow.

Ensure the full lighting system of your vehicle is turned on because Daytime Running Lights won’t illuminate your tail lights. Any driver approaching you from behind can’t judge how close they’re getting to you when they can’t judge the distance of the rear of your vehicle. Always use your low-beam headlights. Your high-beam headlights will reflect off the fog, which will make it more difficult to see. If your vehicle is equipped with fog lights, use those along with your low- beam headlights.

If visibility from a dense fog is happening quickly, move well off the road or perhaps into a safe parking area to wait for the fog to lift. If the fog is very thick, it would be difficult to see ahead of you very well, including the curves in the road or the vehicles. It would be wise to safely wait it out.

Drive at a speed that suits the conditions. If you reduce speed too much, it would be wise to exit higher-speed roadways, such as highways. The drivers behind you may not have done the same and they can gain on you quickly. Maintain a steady speed while in the fog. Speeding up may put you at risk of catching up to a much slower vehicle.

Avoid speeding up to pass a slower-moving vehicle. If they are very slow, change lanes as normal with the speed you have. You’ll be able to pass them safely. Passing on a two-lane highway would not be a wise move because you would not be able to see any oncoming vehicles approaching. Use the pavement markings to help guide you in the lane by using the right edge of the road as a guide to keep you away from oncoming traffic. Look well ahead while making glances at the pavement markings to help stay on track. Increase your following distance as well. Leaving a larger following distance means you won’t have to brake as hard if the driver ahead brakes hard. That will give the driver behind you a better chance to stop in time.

The best tip is to remain calm and patient while driving in these conditions. Remove your distractions and focus on the driving environment. If you follow each of these tips, you can reach your destination safely. Visit Fanshawe Driving School and learn from the best!

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