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Tips to Become a Better Driver

Posted January 10, 2020 by Inventriks Solutions

The majority of the new drivers start out super cautious when first learning to drive. They’re model citizens- driving the speed limit, hyper-aware of their surroundings. But like all novelties, the newness wears off with the period.

Fanshawe Driving School came up with some tips that can lead you towards becoming a better driver. We believe driving is an A(Awareness) R(Responsibility) T(Technique)

Check out our top-rated driving tips to help your kid become a better driver.

  1. Model positive driving habits. That means, parents and guardians, put your phone down while driving. This includes text to talk, fiddling with your Apple Music playlist and not taking red light selfies! (You know some of you do.) They’re watching, if for no other reason than to stack up evidence against you.


  1. Allow your kid to drive as much as possible – during the permit year is a great place to start. The more driving scenarios they’re exposed to, the more they’ll learn how to respond.


  1. Geographical driving culture. Teach your kid road etiquette. Adjust expectations based on your local driving culture. Teens who live in rural settings, back roads, and one traffic light will have a much different experience than driving in say, Toronto. 


  1. Communication. Be in constant contact. Help your kid to be accountable to you and aware of their surroundings. Set limitations and make your kid adhere to them. 


  1. Help your kid understand opportunities. Have conversations with your kid about the privilege of driving. Not lectures. Conversations. Invite dialogue about ways they can use their license for productivity. (Hint. Jobs, extracurricular activities, evening, post-pajama store runs for you….)


  1. Ride in your teen’s car. Oh man, they’ll love this one. Invite a drive somewhere in their car. Don’t give them the option. Occasionally, encourage and support their driving in their element. They may or may not look back on this fondly. Either way, it’s good to let them know that you’re invested in their driving.


  1. Discuss teen accident news. It seems morbid, but this kind of education can have a direct impact on peers. Awareness is critical. Especially when it comes to their peers, teens can take mortality for granted. Share your experience about the instances that cause accidents.


  1. Encourage and praise them. Kids need to know when they’re doing a good job. Praise healthy driving habits, consistently getting home by curfew, and infrequently throw them a couple of extra bucks for gas. Encouragement is motivating.


  1. Seatbelts. Always. Every time. Every single passenger. Non-negotiable.


Fanshawe Driving School Ontario suggests drivers to be invested in their role as a licensed driver. Even if you can afford it, require that they contribute to insurance, gas, and maintenance. Give them ownership of this responsibility.

To book online free consultation with Fanshawe Driving School Ontario click here.

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Mike Sanders
4 years ago

I like what you said about learning road etiquette to be a better driver. My sister has been telling me about how she wants to make sure that her son can drive well in the coming weeks. I’ll share this information with him so that he can look into his options for professionals who can help him with this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike Sanders

Thank you Mike, We are glad that our blogs are providing sufficient information and helping community.

William Conor
2 years ago

What an excellent blog, thank you for this! This is really helpful to ensure safety when you travel— road etiquette is a must! Of course another thing that you must be careful when you are driving. That’s why it is really important to take driving courses from Defensive Driving School ( to broaden our knowledge and awareness about driving.

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